November 9, 2020
Dear St. Mark’s member,
A St. Mark’s Transition team has been formed and is currently working toward completing the St. Mark’s Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP is a document that defines the life and work of our ministry at St. Mark’s and will reside on a database at the ELCA. Prospective pastor candidates can access the ELCA website to review the MSP of many different congregations and to enter into conversation with their own Bishop to find the right church for them to pursue.
This work is in anticipation of a Call Committee being formed in January 2021 and beginning the process of evaluating pastoral candidates presented by Bishop Kuempel.
As you can imagine, now is a critical time for us to update our MSP at St. Mark’s and define our path forward in ministry. We need your help and input to get this done. Every member of St. Mark’s plays a vital role in defining and carrying out our ministry.
Please prayerfully consider the following questions as you ponder the strengths of our ministry and the current needs of our community. Please focus on the key things that describe our ministry in order to match prospective candidates for pastoral call:
1. Why does St. Mark's exist and for whom?
2. In what ways are we strong and unique?
3. What does our neighborhood really need right now and how should we help to meet those needs?
4. What ministry activities bring out the best in us and seem to be valued by others?
5. What would someone from the outside observing us conclude about our sense of purpose and mission?
6. What qualities should we seek from a new pastor to complement the strengths of our existing two pastors?
Please click here to access the digital questionnaire. We hope to have everyone's responses by Wednesday, November 25th. Please remember to include your name and contact information in case we need to follow up with you. Feel free to have all the adults and youth in your household complete the questionnaire.
Blessings to you!
St. Mark's Transition Team
Tim Devlin, Sue Gilman, Pr.
Mark Nelson, Tim Olson, Shanna Peterson, Dick Thiel
Almighty God, you have given your Holy Spirit to the church to lead us into all truth. Bless with the Spirit's grace and presence those who participate in this process. Keep us steadfast in faith and united in love, that we may manifest your glory and prepare the way of your kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.